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Wrinkles. As inevitable as life, even beautiful if we know how to wear them, and if we know how to take care of them.

Therefore, it is useless to worry about it. Above all, it is useful to understand what they are and to understand that prevention is always the best remedy. Dermatologist word.


Doctor Menicanti, why do wrinkles appear?
Because the skin loses elasticity. They are nothing but morphological alterations of the normal linearity of our skin.

 Are they inevitable, then?
"Yup. To the so-called chronoaging, we must add what we call photoaging: that is the oxidative damage that the uva rays (that is, those that reach deeper than the uvb, to be clear) in a particular way can cause. Then, all the damage that comes from our lifestyle must be added, which certainly has a big impact.

What to avoid in everyday life, then?
Let's say that cigarette smoke, wrong diet, absence of protective micronutrients such as vitamins and oligominerals, smog as well as alcohol, do not help the skin to remain healthy and elastic at all.

What are the areas most prone to wrinkle formation?
There are more sensitive facial districts. Remember that wrinkles are also aggravated by mimicry (just think of the barcode on the lips, as well as forehead wrinkles).

Are there different types of wrinkles?
Assuming that all wrinkles are based on the same mechanism, i.e. dermal damage to the elastic fibers and loss of hydration due to a lower capacity to retain water within the dermis, yes: wrinkles can be of different types .

Does he explain it to them?
There are the mimic wrinkles, precisely. Those by gravity such as those in the nose, or at the corners of the mouth: gravity causes the skin to fall off which in turn causes the formation of wrinkles. There are postural wrinkles, like those of the décolleté for example. Think of someone who sleeps on one side: the area is more fragile because its elastic fibers are damaged by repeated posture over time.

Which are the hardest to cure?
Those glyphic. These are the wrinkles that develop on the cheekbones and cheeks in people who have a strong chrono and photo aging, very thin people or who have sunbathed a lot. There is not much solution for this type of wrinkle.

Is there any solution for the others?
I would say yes. The first, as always, is the prevention: the most important anti-wrinkle cream is protection. Without a doubt. To be used always and from a very young age. In summer but also in winter. Having said that, since we are destined to age, we must act above all on photoaging and hydration.

Trying to best maintain the structures that guarantee the presence of a functioning and capable dermis, so obviously
- protection from the sun
- not smoking
- eat well
- also resort to technology and an aesthetic medicine responsible for regeneration and maintenance, which allows to restore those substances which are precisely the molecules that attract water and ensure that the skin remains well hydrated and plumped up.

Is there a genetic predisposition to wrinkles?
Yes, as in all things. There are skins destined to be damaged more or to have more pronounced aging, but everything can be well prevented.
Let me give you this example: if we take the son of a patient with lots of wrinkles and we don't let him sunbathe, he doesn't smoke and he eats well, he will be less marked than a patient who has much luckier genetics, but has lived his whole life at sun, smoked and ate poorly

Clear. And what to use for protections?
To restore the epidermis you need good moisturizing creams based on hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

And what to prefer once wrinkles have formed?
Certainly there are substances such as vitamin C and retinol which act in different ways to improve the texture and to reduce oxidative damage and try to defend and repair all the structures of the dermis.

Is today's aesthetic medicine a good ally, you said?
Technology, as scientific research shows, can help restore the substances that hydrate and stimulate fibroblasts, such as hyaluronic acid, to remain active producers of collagen and elastin. It would be foolish not to exploit it, therefore.

Even if we see abuses that risk making ugly rather than helping...
True. In fact, I point out that aesthetic medicine today does not mean something that alters one's physiognomy and tries to make the patient go back but it is a regenerative and maintenance medicine.

Does sleeping on silk pillowcases have a scientific impact?
It certainly has it: the pillowcase is a micro-environment in which we spend many hours and, where silk allows all products to be absorbed better, since silk does not absorb and the texture is not aggressive for our skin, it is certainly a good synergistic mechanism to maintain the skin well.

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