Spilla ciao bellezza

Spilla ciao bellezza
Tax included.
L'accessorio colorato che fa belli i tuoi cappellini Ciumbia, ma anche la tua shopper o tutto quello che decidi tu <3.
Materiale: ferro placcato
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In finibus ex non tellus bibendum, ut interdum nisl tincidunt. Cras tempus eu nulla quis pretium. Curabitur imperdiet efficitur ligula in sagittis. Morbi congue eget metus tincidunt rhoncus.
Frequent questions
What are the shipping times?
Delivery is within 5 working days unless there are issues with the courier which we keep track of but cannot deal with. An exception is the BELLA TUSA pillowcase which, being personalized with hand embroidery, takes longer and is delivered within 15 working days.
How can I contact you?
For any question, you can write to us at: info@golevy.it
Can I make a return or exchange?
Due to the covid-19 rules and the nature of the product, therefore for hygiene and safety reasons, we do not carry out exchanges and/or returns.